Thanks, Pinky : )
Kali from Byronchild and I have been invited onto Macquarie network regional talkback tonight in answer to the 60 Mins crap. The journo is sending me a list of stations and also details for live streaming if anyone's interested. :D
Thanks, everyone. It would seem that the discussion sparked has made it all worthwhile!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 9:11 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] my letter to 60 minutes

My letter to sixty minutes
I could have written an encyclopedia on that segment but figure they will only read short ones - well done Janet.
Why do we need to label parenting styles? Or to offer such exteme definitions?
This is about as much ‘attachment parenting’ as saying that people who are environmentally conscious must grow all their own food, make all their own clothes, build their own homes, and live in isolation.   
Attachment isn't about what kind of nappies parents use (or dont!), and it doesnt require both parents to give up their day jobs, nor does it require adults to 'earn' children's respect or never say 'no'.
Surely all people deserve to be treated with respect -including children.  We CAN have happy, creative children AND encourage mutual respect however long we choose to breastfeed or share sleep witb our children or whether we send them to school or not.

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