Thanks, Barb. It's most amusing how much they cut out of Conor being a delightful, well adjusted, polite nearly 3 year old LOL. It was obviously just a ratings grab for the advertisers with all the *shock horror* footage of older babies bfing. Next week half naked swimsuit models? I bet those boobs would be ok : )
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 6:45 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] 60 minutes

Good on you Janet.  I thought you came acorss very well.
The show on the other hand just disgusts me.
Barb Glare
Mum of Zac, 12, Daniel, 10, Cassie 7 & Guan 3
Counsellor, Warrnambool Vic
Ph (03) 5565 8602
Director, Australian Breastfeeding Association
Mothers Direct

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