Hi Philippa,
This does seem to be unusual as even when women have a dense epidural and don't push, if the contractions are fine then they will often push the baby down anyway.  Did you try a really deep squat?  I've noticed that despite many women wanting to be upright, that not many will instinctively assume a deep squat, but it can really bring results if you are concerned about progress.
I remember a woman (primip) I cared for with a similar scenario and she had a ventouse and the head was born transverse.  None of us (obstetrician & 2 midwives) had ever seen this before.  She did go on to have another baby and had a normal birth.
By the way, just to show what women can do (as we know)........ a finely built 16 year old recently gave birth to a 4.8kg baby where I work (and intact)!  Cared for by one of the student midwives.   Breastfeeding beautifully and home on day 2. Yay!

Philippa Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Wise Midwives and others,
I have a question. I attended a birth on Monday of a primip who was fully dilated after 10 hours of mostly 4/10 contractions. Waters broke 15 minutes after VE and then she continued with 4/10. This kept up for about 3.5hrs before Dr felt she should start pushing anyway as she was now experiencing prolonged 2nd stage. (Dr words) The Mum had had hip problems during pg and OP baby but at fully baby was LOA but ascinclitic (SP?) and slightly deflexed) We tried numerous things in those couple of hours to help baby straighten up but did not happen. She pushed then with no urge in a supported kneel for about 1.5 hours and could get head to on view but not around the bend. Dr VE’d again said baby has not moved at all, but said there appeared to be sufficient space etc and accepted MW was seeing head with each push. A vacuum was used to straighten baby and then Mum virtually did the work. As it happens after baby was born it was discovered in theatre that she had Placenta accrete but that is another story.
So my question is if fully and no urge why does uterus continue to contract? And does any of this really make sense?
Thank you all,
Philippa Scott
Birth Buddies - Doula
Assisting women and their families in the preparation towards childbirth and labour.
President of Friends of the Birth Centre Townsville

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