I forgot to put contact info for IMs in Hobart...she might like to contact Rashelle Szoke (IM); Rashelle also runs the "Birth and Beyond" group every week, and I know Rashelle was compiling a list of careproviders and support people as I was contacted to be added - so she might be able to help.  Rashelle can be reached on 03 6267 4740.  Another option is Terri Stockdale (IM) who also works casually at the Royal Hobart Hospital and so might be able to provide insight into VBAC support there too - Terri can be reached on 03 6231 0633.  There is also a male IM in Hobart whose contact details I don't have but Terri or Rashelle would be able to provide them; also, two more IMs are apparently moving to Tassie around December and will be operating in Hobart (I don't recall who they are but again, Terri or Rashelle would know) so there's more options there potentially too.
Hi all,


Does anyone know of any doulas working in Tassie and any hospitals, midwives or OB’s supportive of VBAC. Have just had a lengthy chat on the phone with a woman who has had 2 c/sections and is desperate for a vaginal birth. Even went as far as to ask if I’d travel to Tassie in March next year to support her.


Any contacts would be wonderful.


Thanks in advance


Jo x


Jo Hunter

National Convenor Homebirth Aus

Coordinator Homebirth Access Sydney

Innate Birth doula and CBE

(02) 47 51 9840


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