Hi all,

Was chatting to a woman y'day re her first birth.  She has very fast labour "woke up and was 6cm!", laboured for another 2.5hrs, reached 10cm "then they gave me the epidural"(which I am still wondering about?!?)  Bub was posterior so "this allowed him to turn otherwise he wouldnt have come out or it would have been very messy!!". (again wondering about the messages this woman received or perceived..)

Anyway, she went on to have a retained placenta (I'm presuming she had synto for 3rd stage) and began bleeding quite badly.

How is a retained placenta and PPH related, or is it? I thought a retained placenta had come off the uterine and was caught behind closed/closing cervix?  Please correct me if I am wrong...

Anyway, her Ob has suggested an elective CS for her next baby (due May) to avoid this happening again - what the?! ggrrrrrrrrrrr


CBE & Naturopath

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