I have a few holes to fill in this birth story from one woman from my CBE classes - I just went to see her today in hospital.  This is what I got, but I feel as though I want to 'understand'it more - if I can?!

39+6 - Christmas morning! Light cxn begin to build over the day and steadily increase to 3mins apart by 4-5pm.  Stayed at home as long as poss with hubby, got to hospital, 6cm, no meds, active labour, shower etc, laboured for another 2 hours, waters broke, pushy, VE confirmed 10cm, started to push - 1 hour later, didnt get anywhere, discovered by VE there was 'a little bit if forewaters in front of babys head" had been pushing against - swollen cervix, 'back' to 8cm, forewaters broken, then encouraged into  'neutral gravity positions" to allow for cervix to re-dilate, about an hour later ful dilation confirmed (another VE).

Began pushing, nothing - 2 hours later nothing.  Baby 'had turned" after breaking forewaters... and "got stuck:.  Doctor decides to vaccum, failed.  Then decided forceps (!) with epi, failed.  Given a spinal in prep for CS, had to wait longer than expected as there were 2 other CS happening (shocking CS rate in this country regional hospital!).  Eventually into theatre, given a general, baby born 3.7kg.  A little "flat" "doctor helped him to breathe.." and may have been a result of the spinal and having to wait longer than expected...?

Mother 'fine' although very dissappointed and emotional and SORE.  Baby was OK all throughout, 'slight' mec staining in waters with CS.

What happened?  It seemed to be going really well, natural active labour, 14 hrs, fit healthy, body aware and althetic 30 y/old??  Did he just 'turn' and loose the optimal position..?

They tried every position in the book apparently, but nothing..?

Any insights would be excellent - thankyou!


CBE & Naturopath

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