Its been great reading the responses to the original email....I have appreciated all responses however - I'm still lost for how this woman ended up this way. I unfortunately do think about the VE's she had...the swollen lip ffrom the forewaters etc....and probably no doubt the *stress* in the room with doctor offering opinions and suggestions - thats enough to bring any woman out of * her space* where she truly needs to be, with baby, in body, so she can listen to her body's needs..

I often wonder if baby would have eventually moved *back* to the more favourable position - and how much longer they may have needed....?  Surely lips retract eventually?  What would have pethidine done here? helped her relax  whilst waiting for this - surely pethidine is the lesser of her 4 interventions she received - vaccum, forceps, episotomy, spinal, general then CS.

This woman is having a tough time postnatally trying to fill in the gaps herself without *offending* staff by asking too many questions..........

And I myself, am asking these questions in order to learn and understand.



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