"that you will end up with a lot of "Limited Access" entries in your sub-site 

That's precisely the little administrative nightmare I'm already facing due to 
users wanting to grant individual access to documents and directories within 
libraries rather than adding them all to a red group, or using a separate 
library for collaboration purposes. It's very hard to get it through to them 
just why this is such a pain in the A.

When developing a solution like this (and it was me, by the way, who originally 
opened up the discussion of a Leave Request Form :)) don't forget that you can 
make use of two very useful and OOTB settings. The Document Submission 
permission level is one and the other is the Item Level Permissions of:

Read access:   Specify which items users can read

*         All items

*         Only their own
 Edit access:   Specify which items users can edit

*         All items

*         Only their own

*         None
These are available within a modified version of the discussion board library 
from CodePlex(?). I have the template if you want it as a base.


Online Developer, ICT
CEO Sydney
From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Ivan Wilson
Sent: Wednesday, 11 February 2009 4:39 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Infopath forms and security

Hi Tommy

I have worked around this in the past by configuring the forms library so that 
general staff do not have direct read/write access. I then set up web services 
to handle the creation and retrieval of forms.

This allows you to add custom business logic to handle whatever security you 
want. So for example you can create a web service that returns all the forms 
where the submitter matches a particular form property ("Forms I created", 
"Forms assigned to me", etc).

These web services can be used by data view web parts, or custom developed web 
parts to create a user interface that allows staff to view their submitted 
forms. Sure, you have to do some coding, but on the up side, it isn't a lot of 
work, and you get very granular control on what users can see and where they 
can access the information from.

One danger with taking the other approach of an event-handler customizing 
permissions is that you will end up with a lot of "Limited Access" entries in 
your sub-site security. I hear that anything around 1000 or 2000 security item 
entries starts to degrade performance. Some information about this is also 
listed on http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc262787.aspx

On the "easy to do" side of things, consider enabling version history for your 
forms. This gives an audit trail of who changed what, when they changed it, and 
a before/after copy of the content.


From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Tommy Segoro
Sent: Wednesday, 11 February 2009 2:45 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: RE: Infopath forms and security

You can attach an event handler on the list on ItemAdded event to automatically 
detached the permission inheritance of that document. This way every time 
someone submits a leave form, that form is detached and your event handler will 
give access to whoever should have access to that form to programmatically.

From: ozmoss@ozmoss.com [mailto:ozm...@ozmoss.com] On Behalf Of Nigel Hertz
Sent: Wednesday, 11 February 2009 12:31 PM
To: ozmoss@ozmoss.com
Subject: Infopath forms and security

Afternoon all

We've recently started looking into converting our many paper based forms into 
InfoPath forms, hosted on MOSS.

Fortunately, a lot of InfoPath Forms Services limitations can be overcome one 
way or another, and we'll be using Nintex workflow as the workflow engine.

One issue we foresee is security of forms. As forms need to be saved in a forms 
library, I'm assuming the person filling in the form needs contribute access to 
the library, and the approver would need contribute access to the workflow 
tasks list.

The concern I have is who can read the forms once they're saved.

Take an 'application for leave' for example. It's highly likely that whoever 
submits an application wouldn't want anyone else in the company to be able to 
read their leave request, so it should only be readable to them and their 
manager (and a group of people like HR)

Audience targeting wouldn't really work, as it's not secure. Views could work, 
if there was a way to secure a view so that you can prevent people from 
choosing another one. I'm not sure if item level security permissions would 
work, and if you could set that up automatically in the workflow.

I recall reading somewhere in the not too distant past about someone 
experiencing similar issues, but cannot for the life of me remember where it 
was. I thought it was on this list, but can't seem to find anything (I blame a 
HDD crash for that)

Does anyone have any tips / suggestions on how to proceed? (We're expecting at 
least 30 forms to only be accessible by the submitter, approver and Group-X)

Kind regards
Nigel Hertz

Software Developer | Information Technology
Level 25 | 133 Castlereagh Street | Sydney NSW 2000
T: 02 9035 2617 | F: 02 8988 2617

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