Hello all,


Have searched and cannot seem to find answer.  I am using a custom
search on a list firstly by using scope.  I have also configured it so
the search results are returned in a table

With the columns from the list by using the managed properties mapped to
crawled properties (using the original column name) in the search


i.e  clientorganisaton is mapped to ows_organisation(text) - this is a
column name.


I have also adding using the properties in advanced search  to reflect
several columns in the list so users can search by list column names
i.e. Organisation. By editing the properties xml file.


My problem is that the administrator and the original creator of the
list has decided that several column names need to be changed - i.e. as
simple as changing FIRST NAME to First Name or TITLE to Last Name.


What I need to know is that if the column names are changed will I need
to reconfigure search/ managed properties mappings to reflect these
changes or does SharePoint use the original column names in search


Any advice would be appreciated


Peter Milliner

Intranet (SharePoint Administrator)

Information Technology and Communications Unit

Bendigo Regional Institute of TAFE

PO Box 170, Bendigo Victoria 3552

T: +61 3 5434 1510
M: 0423 913 999
F: +61 3 5434 1497

E: pmilli...@britafe.vic.edu.au 
W: www.britafe.vic.edu.au

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