
Just wondering if anyone on the list can help provide some clarity or help
me with a solution for this?

We have a our My Sites published on a PROD server. Our Team Sites are still
on another server in another farm.

Within the Office client save dialogue "SharePoint Sites / Member Sites"
only My Sites are listed. I'm trying to find a solution to allow the team
Sites to also be listed here.

>From what I can see Office is using the publishedlinksservice.asmx to get
the sites and this will be from the PROD server based on the My Site

Can I use "Published links to Office client applications" within the SSP to
publish a link to the Team Sites so that they are picked up within "My
SharePoint Sites"?

If so, should this be added to the SSP where the My Sites are hosted or the
SSP where the Team Sites are hosted?

Or - am I completely wrong and there is an alternate solution?


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