The results are listed as errors or warnings in the Error list window, 
depending on how you configure the run. A bunch of info is also written to the 
Output window (select SPDisposeCheck from the dropdown if you're interested in 
this level of detail... probably not).


I find the feedback results a bit hard to use-for instance, the URL to the 
guidance isn't hyperlinked within the warning itself (copy it out or create a 
work item, etc instead).


In my case the results also included a few warnings apparently linked to a 
project but not a file... you can click through to the offending line of code 
for other results but not these. Only by running the same check at the command 
line could I view the data behind each of these warnings.


Ps. The tool selects all assemblies in the solution by default, which is 
probably overkill. I told it to ignore our satellite (resource) assemblies, for 




From: [] On Behalf Of 
Paul Noone
Sent: Tuesday, 14 December 2010 7:59 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: Released! - Updated SPDisposeCheck v14.0.4762.1000


Any tips on how to use the VS add-in?


I selected a sample project, clicked Save and Analyse, then nothing.


But when I use the command line with -xml parameter I get a whole bunch of 
stuff back from a single DLL. Not that this is a good thing. ;)






Online Developer/Administrator,
ICT Projects Team
CEO Sydney


From: [] On Behalf Of 
Aaron Saikovski
Sent: Tuesday, 14 December 2010 10:24 AM
To: ozMOSS (
Subject: Released! - Updated SPDisposeCheck v14.0.4762.1000


Hi All,

The latest SPDisposeCheck has been released and can be found here:








Aaron Saikovski | Senior Consultant - SharePoint Technologies | Microsoft 
Services Australia


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