Fixed this issue, found a reference to the old server. Removed it - and can
delete now. (just proof that sometimes you need to walk away to solve an
issue J)


From: Maxine Harwood [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 6 April 2011 1:17 PM
To: ozMOSS (
Subject: cant delete server from farm.


I have a server on a farm I wish to remove. The server is no longer


I go to the Servers in Farm, can see the server listed with the MS
SharePoint foundation database. There is another MS SharePoint foundation
database server also listed and the 'Configuration Database Server' for the
farm shows this alternate server- not the one I'm trying to remove. 


The other DB server is not running and there is no content stored on there
that I am aware of. 


I attempt to 'Remove Server' and get the following error:


An object in the SharePoint administrative framework,
"SPDatabaseServiceInstance", could not be deleted because other objects
depend on it. Update all of these dependants to point to null or different
objects and retry this operation. The dependant objects are as follows: 

Using the SharePoint_config database, I can see the guid that relates to
this server, and can see that it is the parentID of another object - but not
sure what sort of object it is? 


After doing a backup, I tried to remove the child object = but I cant delete
it either, I get this

An object in the SharePoint administrative framework,

", could not be deleted because other objects depend on it.  Update all of

dependants to point to null or different objects and retry this operation.

dependant objects are as follows:



I can't find any objects that list the SPwebservice guid as a parent db. 


I've been looking at it to long now and am going in circles! Would love if
someone could give me some fresh ideas or another angle to tackle this from

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