SystemPage CT has already got the build-in Title field inherited from 'Item' 
CT, and this is what is causing the duplicate error.

Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 10:29:26 +1000
Subject: Content Types and SharePoint 2010

We have run into an interesting issue when migrating our WSP packages from MOSS 
2007 to SharePoint 2010. The issue is in relation to Publishing Content Types.

In the past we have had a Common Publishing Content Type called 
CommonPublishingContentTypes which inherits from the built-in SystemPage 
Content Type (0x010100C568DB52D9D0A14D9B2FDCC96666E9F2) found in the 
PublishingResources Feature.
SharePoint 2010 appears to have introduced a attribute called Inherits and on 
the built-in SystemPage Content Type this is set to TRUE. "If Inherits is TRUE, 
the child content type inherits all fields that are in the parent, including 
fields that users have added." 
In MOSS 2007 we where able to add a built-in field <FieldRef 
ID="{fa564e0f-0c70-4ab9-b863-0177e6ddd247}" Name="Title" DisplayName="Title" 
Required="TRUE"/> into our CommonPublishingContentTypes and updated the 
DisplayName or Required attributes.
If we attempt to do this in SharePoint 2010 we get duplicate fields in our 
CommonPublishingContentTypes Content Type for Title.


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