Not to worry about this guys, found the fix, a little xsl magic made the 
picture work. I am going to create a blog post detailing the fix as I'm sure 
others will find the same issue.. 

Subject: Very strange SP Designer 2007 issue!
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 09:03:05 +0100

I have a simple SharePoint list, column called "headshot" which is a hyperlink.
This is filled with the URL of a photo on the Intranet.
This hyperlink appears fine as a picture in a view created and placed in a 
sharepoint page. 

So I have had to use designer to carry out some fancy work. 

So I have created a data view web part and connect to the SP list in the data 
sources. When I drag the headshot column into a data view web part using 
Designer, the URL comes up with an extra comma which is ',' so when changing 
the formatting of the URL to a picture, the image does not appear.

I have double checked the list and the URL is correct and does not have any 
extra spaces.. happens to all list items..

I have managed to create a new forumla which strips out the extra , in the 
headshot column, but this cannot be formatted as a pciture as HTML and XSL 
cannot be mixed..

Has anyone come across this before? What's the fix?

Any advice will help! 



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