You will not need to dispose SPContext,

As a general rule if we create an object only then we dispose it..

On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 11:35 AM, Paul Noone <> wrote:

> Damn. I may need to trim that even further. J****
> Suggestions?****
> ****
> Incidentally, I am using a DropDownList control and the following worked a
> treat. Never ceases to amaze me just how simple these things are when you
> know how.****
> Huge thanks to Techardinal’s series on Editor 
> Parts<>.
> Making sense out of the dark arts. J****
> public class ListSettingsPart: EditorPart****
>     {****
>         // Declare custom editor parts here****
>         DropDownList SortByCol = new DropDownList();****
> ** **
>         // Get filterable columns for the DropDownList****
>         private void popSortByCol_dd()****
>         {****
>             // Get reference to the web part****
>             LightBox lbWebPart = (LightBox)WebPartToEdit;****
>             // Get list and field collection****
>             SPList imageLib = SPContext
> .Current.Web.Lists[lbWebPart.oListName];****
>             SPFieldCollection fieldsCollection = imageLib.Fields;****
> ** **
>             foreach (SPField field in fieldsCollection)****
>             {****
>                 // Get only filterable fields****
>                 if (field.Filterable)****
>                 {****
>                     SortByCol.Items.Add(new ListItem {Text = field.Title,
> Value = field.InternalName });****
>                 } ****
>             }****
> ** **
>         }****
> ** **
>         // Create our controls****
>         protected override void CreateChildControls()****
>         {****
>             // Clear any existing controls****
>             this.Controls.Clear();****
> ** **
>             // Create the custom control panel ****
>             Panel panListSettings = new Panel();****
> ** **
>             // Create SortByCol label****
>             Label labSortByCol = new Label();****
>             labSortByCol.Text = "SortBy column:";****
>             panListSettings.Controls.Add(labSortByCol);****
>             // Populate the dropdownlist****
>             popSortByCol_dd();****
>             SortByCol.ToolTip = "Select a column to sort by.";****
>             SortByCol.AutoPostBack = true;****
>             panListSettings.Controls.Add(SortByCol);****
>            // Add the custom control panel****
>             this.Controls.Add(panListSettings);****
>         }****
> ** **
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *Paul Noone
> *Sent:* Friday, 4 November 2011 8:31 AM
> *To:* ozMOSS
> *Subject:* RE: Return only spfields that are filterable****
> ** **
> J Great. That’s exactly what I was after. Thank you!****
> One more question surrounding “using”. Whenever I use using I get web part
> errors saying that the data has already been disposed. This usually occurs
> when trying to edit the web part properties.****
> As a result, I now just do the folowing but am unsure as to whether this
> needs to be disposed at some point?****
> try****
> {****
>     oList = SPContext.Current.Web.Lists[oListName];****
> ** **
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *Salman Ahmad
> *Sent:* Thursday, 3 November 2011 6:29 PM
> *To:* ozMOSS
> *Subject:* Re: Return only spfields that are filterable****
> ** **
> my bad, I missed actual condition, ****
>  ****
>                 foreach (SPField field in fieldsCollection)                 { 
>                     if (field.Filterable)                     {               
>           Console.WriteLine(field.Title);                         
> fieldsList.Add(field);                     }                 }****
>  ****
> Cheers,****
>  ****
> *From:* Salman Ahmad <> ****
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 03, 2011 11:24 AM****
> *To:* ozMOSS <> ****
> *Subject:* Re: Return only spfields that are filterable****
>  ****
> Hi Paul, ****
>  ****
> Here is a sample you can start with. ****
>  ****
>             using(SPSite site = new SPSite("http://localhost";))
>             using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
>             {
>                 List<SPField> fieldsList = new List<SPField>();
>                 SPFieldCollection fieldsCollection = web.Fields;
>                 foreach (SPField field in fieldsCollection)
>                 {
>                     Console.WriteLine(field.Title);
>                     fieldsList.Add(field);
>                 }
>             }****
>  ****
> Use fieldsList to populate your DropDownList.****
>  ****
> You can also get Fields Collection for your lists in the same way, ****
>  ****
> Cheers,****
> Salman****
>  ****
> *From:* Paul Noone <> ****
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 03, 2011 8:52 AM****
> *To:* <> ****
> *Subject:* Return only spfields that are filterable****
>  ****
> Can anyone provide an example of how I can use the SPField.Filterable
> property to return all fields where this is true?****
> I want to use this to dynamically populate a DropDownList control.****
>  ****
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