This is a bit of a long story, but I felt it necessary to post the detail
just in case someone has seen similar behaviour (or this is a known issue
with parts).  I've cross posted because there's a general ASP.Net theme as
well as a SharePoint flavour.

I've been helping a customer diagnose performance issues on their
SharePoint 2010 site.  Specifically, the w3wp.exe process goes to 100% CPU
for for an hour or so.  Before digging too deeply, I looked into some of
the code.

Now, I'm no SharePoint developer but some things were obvious and were
clearly the result of System.NullReferenceException based ASP.Net  warnings
in the event log and other things scared me. Once was disposing of system
created objects, particularly the SP RootWeb object because they were
surrounded the reference by a using().

Another thing that did not sit well was the 'hack' necessary to get LINQ
working on sites with anonymous access - this is a public Internet facing
web site.  Microsoft's own documentation states that one should use SPQuery
in these circumstances (until they improve the functionality in
Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq anyway).

In particular, there's a need to elevate privileges because SPLists are
secured but anonymous access is required.  So my theory is they did
software development by Google and found this:


I wish they'd found the latter but, sadly, they chose the former code to
implement as a *static *helper method.

There's a very subtle but important difference - the former doesn't behave
nicely when you get an exception in the anonymous delegate code passed in
because it does not set the HttpContext back to the original value and you
get a NullReferenceException in the logs.  This was the cause of one of the
issues.  Obvious.  Fixed that.  Job done?  Nope.  *Lesson learnt* - don't
"develop by Google" unless you know what the code is doing, line by line.

I included this part because I think there's an issue with the *static
helper* ,but I will come back to that.

Oddly, the exception that is thrown while executing the anonymous delegate
is "An item with the same key has already been added.".  Huh? All they were
doing was enumerating the list.  This has been reported by others. eg:

No idea what's going on there (at this point).

So I finally get access to the server when the issue is happening and
managed to get a full memory dump of w3wp.exe.

Immediately upon looking at the CLR stack of long running threads the
problem was obvious but the cause is not so.

mscorlib],[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].*FindEntry*(System.__Canon)
mscorlib],[System.__Canon, mscorlib]].TryGetValue(System.__Canon,
System.__Canon ByRef)
mscorlib]].<.ctor>b__1(System.__Canon, Context)
mscorlib]].Apply(System.__Canon, Context)
System.Collections.Generic.List`1> ByRef)
System.Collections.Generic.List`1> ByRef)
System.Collections.Generic.List`1> ByRef)

Dictionary objects aren't thread safe (if you're modifying them) and you
can read more about that from Tess' blog.

But my customer's not using Dictionary objects, anywhere!  So I pulled out
Reflector to follow this through.  Turns out that Microsoft.SharePoint.Linq
is, and a *static *one at that.

But why did this happen in the first place???  I can see from the CLR stack
traces that 8 long running threads are all stuck doing the same think
(above) and the dump of stack objects shows that each thread is referencing
the same object.  In fact it looks like they are all executing the same

My suggested fix it to follow the MSDN guidance and NOT use LINQ for
anonymous access and use SPQuery and write the CAML.  They are doing this
now and we will see if that stops the CPU "spikes" (plateaus).  Hope so,
because I'm sick of looking at

My questions are:

   - Is this a known or previously observed issue?
   - The "An item with the same key has already been added" is caused by
   the use of the static Dictionary and static helper?
   - Can it be that the use of a static helper combined with anonymous
   delegate which might get compiled into a totally static method be the cause
   (I don't know enough about the innards of the IL to know or check)?

You probably want to see code, but I thought the blog posts should do the
trick as there's not much more to it.

*Richard Carde*
ozmoss mailing list

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