Garbage Collection :D a feature in .NET


In essence it sits in the back end and tracks objects and disposes of them
in the back end on a schedule/when needed (not too sure on when it runs,
it’s been awhile). However its limited to managed code.




From: [] On Behalf
Of Paul Noone
Sent: Thursday, 23 February 2012 11:20 AM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: At your Disposal


Fine, I’ll bite. What’s GC stand for?? :D



From: [] On Behalf
Of Daniel Brown
Sent: Thursday, 23 February 2012 11:22 AM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: At your Disposal


Side Tracking a little:

Ø  Brian Said:

“you need to dispose of stuff you create yourself”


Ah, Back in an older language (C) before garbage disposal, this was the norm
:P malloc
<> () &
free <> ()
! Destroy what you create! This also applies for API’s.


Which at the heart of the issue, is exactly why Dispose needs to be called
with the SharePoint API as GC will not always get all objects from unmanaged
code, which in the deep back end, there is a substantial amount.




From: [] On Behalf
Of Brian Farnhill
Sent: Thursday, 23 February 2012 10:24 AM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: At your Disposal


No it doesn’t – you need to dispose of stuff you create yourself. The only
exception that that is when you create an SPSite yourself you can get the
RootWeb property without having to dispose of it, but anything that comes
from OpenWeb will need to be disposed of. SPDisposeCheck does a good job at
picking all that sort of stuff up.


As for the context – yes if your web part will only be dealing with objects
in the current context (eg. Both site and current user) then by all means
use it. You can at least grab the SPSite from context and then open up webs
within the site collection and then that’s one less thing to dispose of. 


Brian Farnhill
Solutions Architect, Extelligent Design | SharePoint Server MVP
phone: 0408 289 303 | twitter:  <>
@BrianFarnhill | blog:  <> | xbox:
<> Modern


From: [] On Behalf
Of Paul Noone
Sent: Thursday, 23 February 2012 10:50 AM
To: 'ozMOSS'
Subject: RE: At your Disposal


But surely disposing of the site via the using statement would include any
sub webs??


And why not just use SPContext to get the web anyway? I keep trying to find
best practice code examples to learn from and just wind up more confounded
than when I started.


From: [] On Behalf
Of Joseph Clark
Sent: Thursday, 23 February 2012 10:47 AM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: Re: At your Disposal


The using block only automatically disposes variables that are declared
within the initial parentheses (in this case the oSiteCollection object).

The oWebsite object is constructed within the main body of the using block,
so it won't get automatically cleaned up. 

Arguably, the demo code isn't well written, since the oWebsite variable
should be declared with a using statement as well, to avoid this kind of

For the record, calling dispose multiple times on the same object is safe
(provided the developer wrote the dispose method correctly, which you can
probably assume is true for all objects in the SharePoint API)

On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Paul Noone
<> wrote:

Hi all, I continue to be confused by the continually conflicting example
code I find regarding site/web disposal.

It’s been my understanding that using is self-disposing. But the example
below includes a dispose call within the using statement. Is this correct?

using (SPSite oSiteCollection = new


    SPWeb oWebsite = oSiteCollection.OpenWeb();

    SPFolder oFolder = oWebsite.RootFolder; 

    oFolder.WelcomePage = "My Wiki Library/MyWelcome.aspx";




Description: NoteNote

Certain objects implement the IDisposable interface, and you must avoid
retaining these objects in memory after they are no longer needed. For
information about good coding practices, see Disposing Objects
<> .


Kind regards,

Paul Noone


Online Developer/SharePoint Administrator

Infrastructure Team, ICT
Catholic Education Office, Sydney
p: (02) 9568 8461

f: (02) 9568 8483
e:  <>
w:  <>


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