Cos then I'd have to query the whole list.

The 2010 JS library allows you to query selected list items using the
getSelectedItems List Operation.

var selectedItems = SP.ListOperation.Selection.getSelectedItems();
var selectedItemIds = '';
var selectedItemIndex;
for (selectedItemIndex in selectedItems){
   selectedItemIds += '|' + selectedItems[selectedItemIndex].id;

I then render them in my modaldialog using this pattern:

<asp:DataList ID="SelectedDocumentsDataList" runat="server"
RepeatColumns="2" CellPadding="2" CellSpacing="5">
    <li><%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,

What I am trying to do is filter this further by only displaying items
whose filename ends with doc or docx. But I'm not sure of the best method
to use. :(

I'm already performing this with the code behind so that only Word docs are
converted. But I want to show this list to the user as well.

foreach (SPListItem listItem in _selectedListItems)
  //Verify the document added is a Word Document
  //  before starting the conversion.
  if (listItem.Name.EndsWith(".docx") || listItem.Name.EndsWith(".doc"))
    //do stuff

Better still I'd like to render unsupported filetypes in red or
strikethrough text. But I just don't know how to indiviudally define
supported and unsopported docs within my slecteditems var.

ya dig? ;)

On 18 July 2012 16:14, Maxine Harwood <> wrote:

> Not sure if i follow what you wanted to achieve, but why not just query
> the items file extension?
> Sent from Max's iPad
> On 18/07/2012, at 3:15 PM, Web Admin <>
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm writing a CommandUIHandler for a custom Ribbon button which retrieves
> the currently selected items in the list and displays them in a modal
> dialog.
> var selectedItems = SP.ListOperation.Selection.getSelectedItems();
> var selectedItemIds = '';
> var selectedItemIndex;
> for (selectedItemIndex in selectedItems) {
>     selectedItemIds += '|' + selectedItems[selectedItemIndex].id;
> }
> I want to try taking this a step further by only returning selected items
> whose *Name* EndsWith ".doc" or ".docx". I can achieve this easily enough
> in C# but am struggling with JavaScript and don't want to start using Regex
> and manipulating array strings. :|
> I'm not sure how (or whether it's possible) to grab the Name value at all
> in this way?
> Regards,
> Paul (new email)
> SharePoint Farm Admin/Developer
> Infrastructure Team
> CEO Sydney
> p: (02) 9568 8461
> f: (02) 9568 8483
> e:
> w:
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Paul Noone

SharePoint Farm Admin/Developer
Infrastructure Team
CEO Sydney

p: (02) 9568 8461
f: (02) 9568 8483
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