Hi All,
I have an event receiver associated with a list that performs a number of 
tasks. To ensure the tasks are completed prior to the user continuing, I have 
made the ItemAdded event receiver synchronous, and have implemented the code 
performing the tasks under an SPLongRunningOperationJob. It all works fine, 
except that when the user clicks save, there is no feedback to them that the 
tasks are being processed. Being an event handler, I have no context that I can 
direct to the normal spinning wheel page.
So two questions - one, am I missing something about being able to direct the 
users context from an event handler, and two, if I cant redirect them, can I at 
least make the cursor change to an hourglass whilst the tasks are being 
processed? I imagine I can do this by editing the save form and using some 
jQuery to set the onclick property of the save button - but haven't really done 
this before (need to get more comfortable with jQuery).
Many thanks,
ozmoss mailing list

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