
We have a problem with our Profile Sync. It has been working quite happily
up until 2 months ago.

It is now not importing new members of groups to our Audiences.

In the Application Error Log I have:

"The management agent "MOSS-60283265-87b1-40da-aab0-db32a59515b3" run
profile "MOSS_DELTAIMPORT_f2f8255f-f7d2-49b8-82b5-c4b4dde3024b" completed a
step with errors."

When I open the management agent to look at the errors I see
completed-discovery-errors associated with the groups that are not updating
the audiences.

The error is: reference-value-not-ldap-conformant and each has an
associated line number.

A bit of snooping led me to a ProfileData.ldf file on the server. When I go
to the line numbers from the errors, each has an entry like:

Member: {6B1A3E14-16A2-4336-A052-CDB2F4B18763}

There are 5 such entries out of 90,000 odd lines in the file. All the other
lines have an AD user object with the object container e.g.:

Member: CN=test

So the question, what is causing the wierd GUID entry? I've searched for
objects including deleted users with that GUID and nothing turns up.

Is there some way I can adjust my import settings to force excluding
whatever those entries are? (The filter currently excludes disabled


Iain Carlin
ozmoss mailing list

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