Could you just map the image library as a datasource, and then query the 
datasource for the image name before setting the image field to that URL?

If the list comes back with no image with that name, just set the image URL to 
some placeholder image.

From: [] on behalf of Chris 
Grist []
Sent: Monday, 22 July 2013 3:10 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: RE: InfoPath 2010 - "If Exists" condition

This is using 2007?

I did a similar thing recently in 2013, however it was a rule based on when a 
field was populated, when the url for the image was incorrect, it would just 
show a broken icon.

Can you set a condition on the button to only execute the rule if LOGO is not 

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Web Admin
Sent: Friday, 19 July 2013 2:56 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: Re: InfoPath 2010 - "If Exists" condition

Sadly no. The error is coming from InfoPath when clicking the "Set Image" 
button in Edit mode.

I think I've hit the limitations of the InfoPath rules and any XPath expression 
on the field itself.

On 19 July 2013 13:37, Ishai Sagi <<>> 
You mean:<>

[Description: Description: C:\Users\Brian\Pictures\EXD Logos\Extelligent logo 
no text.jpg]Ishai Sagi | Solutions Architect
0488 789 786 |<> |<> | 
@ishaisagi<> | MVP 

[<>] On Behalf 
Of Web Admin
Sent: Friday, 19 July 2013 12:01 PM
To: ozMOSS
Subject: InfoPath 2010 - "If Exists" condition

Hi all,

I have a button in my form which sets the URL value for a read only Picture 
control (bound to a Hyperlink field). The images are located in a SharePoint 
2007 Image Library in another farm.

On button click I have a rule with this action:

Set a field's value: concat("http://2007site/path/";, LOGO, ".png")

If the image doesn't exist I was just to see a broken icon but instead it 
throws an ugly 404 error.

Anyone know a way to validate the URL prior to setting this field's value? No 
server-side code allowed and I'm hoping to avoid creating a new datasource just 
for this.



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