Hi Tony,

In WPF, (and I believe it is meant to be similar in Silverlight) these sorts 
of issues are usually fixed by coding a 2 pass layout update (i.e. calling 
Measure() and Arrange()) on these objects that are not-yet-clicked-on to get 
them into the Visual Tree.

From: <ton...@tpg.com.au>
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:27 AM
To: <ozsilverlight@ozsilverlight.com>
Subject: Printing in Silverlight / Writing a bitmap that's not visible

> Hi all,
> We have moved to Silverlight 4 due to the printing capability. I have been 
> working on the best way
> to enable printing in my application. I have settled on writing page 
> components to Bitmaps, then
> slotting those bitmaps into a page template control (printTemplate) and 
> printing that. It's all been
> working fine except that now I have hit a problem.
> I have a tab control. The tab control has a number of tabs. When I click 
> the Print button that I
> have added to the page, it works it's way through all the tabs and prints 
> a report that contains the
> content. Now, it works fine if I have clicked on all the tabs before-hand, 
> however if I do not click
> the tabs beforehand, then the content of those tabs will not get generated 
> within the report.
> However, if I set the element directly into e.PageVisual, then the element 
> will display.
> I believe this is happening because the bitmap does not render from a tab 
> that has not been made
> visible prior to clicking Print.
> I have attached some code below and it is still a work in progress. Most 
> of my printing involves
> Landscape orientation, and if I set it to Portrait, or set e.PageLayout = 
> elementToPrint, then the
> element will clip, which is undesireable.
> How can I get an element to render inside a bitmap without the element 
> needing to be visible first?
> Regards,
> Tony
> private void PrintPage(FrameworkElement elementToPrint, PrintPageEventArgs 
> e, string
> headingTitle, string footerTitle, PageOrientation orientation = 
> PageOrientation.Portrait)
> {
>    PrintTemplateControl printTemplate = new PrintTemplateControl();
>    printTemplate.SetHeaderAndFooterText(headingTitle, footerTitle);
>    double printableHeight = e.PrintableArea.Height - 
> printTemplate.HeightOffset;
>    int contentWidth = Convert.ToInt32(elementToPrint.ActualWidth);
>    int contentHeight = Convert.ToInt32(elementToPrint.ActualHeight);
>    WriteableBitmap bitmap;
>    if (orientation == PageOrientation.Portrait)
>    {
>        bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(contentWidth, contentHeight);
>        bitmap.Render(elementToPrint,new TranslateTransform());
>    }
>    else
>    {
>        bitmap = new WriteableBitmap(contentHeight, contentWidth);
>        TransformGroup transformGroup = new TransformGroup();
>        RotateTransform rotateTransform = new RotateTransform();
>        rotateTransform.Angle = 90;
>        transformGroup.Children.Add(rotateTransform);
>        TranslateTransform moveTransform = new TranslateTransform();
>        moveTransform.X = contentHeight;
>        transformGroup.Children.Add(moveTransform);
>        ScaleTransform scaleTransform = new ScaleTransform();
>        double ratioOfImageToPrintArea = 1;
>        if (elementToPrint.ActualWidth > printableHeight)
>            ratioOfImageToPrintArea = printableHeight / 
> elementToPrint.ActualWidth;
>        scaleTransform.ScaleX = ratioOfImageToPrintArea;
>        scaleTransform.ScaleY = ratioOfImageToPrintArea;
>        transformGroup.Children.Add(scaleTransform);
>        bitmap.Render(elementToPrint, transformGroup);
>    }
>    bitmap.Invalidate();
>    Image printImageSource = new Image();
>    printImageSource.Source = bitmap;
>    printImageSource.Width = bitmap.PixelWidth;
>    printImageSource.Height = bitmap.PixelHeight;
>    printTemplate.AddChildren(printImageSource);
>    e.PageVisual = printTemplate;
> }
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