Pass the params up to the server and process it there... (just add a param to 
your query method)



On 06/09/2010, at 4:15 PM, David Burela <> wrote:

> This seems like a simple problem but I am stumped.
> I have a screen with a number of filters. In one instance I have checkboxes 
> of countries (Australia, China, Japan, etc).
> I want to filter to only show products that are located in the checked 
> countries. So products listed in Australia OR in China OR in Japan.
> My issue is that the RIA servies query object, only lets you chain up ANDs
> var query = ProductDomainContext.ProductSelectQuery();
> if(AustraliaIsSelected)
>     query = query.Where(p => p.Country == "Australia");
> if(ChinaIsSelected)
>     query = query.Where(p => p.Country == "China");
> Doing it this way will end up with a query where the country is Australia AND 
> China.
> I was hoping I could go
> var checkedCountries = new []{"Australia", "China"};
> query = query.Where(p => checkedCountries.Contains(p.Country)
> But RIA complains that it does not support the contains operation.
> Any ideas?
> -David Burela
> P.S.
> I can't do it on one line like this
> query.Where(p => p.Country=="Australia" || p.Country == "China");
> Because at runtime I don't know how many are there. The above is just a 
> simplified example
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