Disclaimer - Office365 just put your post in my ozWpf folder and that was the 
hat I was wearing when I answered. Still, should be much the same...

From: ozsilverlight-boun...@ozsilverlight.com 
[mailto:ozsilverlight-boun...@ozsilverlight.com] On Behalf Of Steven Nagy
Sent: Tuesday, 6 December 2011 3:23 PM
To: ozSilverlight
Subject: RE: DataGridCheckBoxColumn

I love your posts Greg because there's no actual question there :)

To solve #1, Template column actually works fine and I promise it will only 
take you about 1 minute more. You get to provide your own DataTemplate which 
can contain a checkbox with the same {Binding Property} for the IsChecked 
property. Works a treat.

But yeah, I hate this problem as a whole too...

I can see you're a glass-half-full kinda guy!

From: ozsilverlight-boun...@ozsilverlight.com 
[mailto:ozsilverlight-boun...@ozsilverlight.com] On Behalf Of Greg Keogh
Sent: Tuesday, 6 December 2011 3:19 PM
To: 'ozSilverlight'
Subject: DataGridCheckBoxColumn

So I bind some DataGrid columns and one of them is a bool which corresponds to 
a DataGridCheckBoxColumn. It all displays nicely and I get excited.

Then I notice that clicking the CheckBox cell puts it in edit mode, then I 
click it again to change the value.

Then I notice that the binding change doesn't fire until I press Enter or Tab 
or whatever to change focus. So it takes 3 gestures to change a value in a 
CheckBox column. This is unacceptable for this app.

I see many people complain about the first quirk and suggest you use a template 
column or more code and tricks as a workaround, but it all looks fragile, 
unreliable and I can see myself burning another few hours of unpaid time and it 
all probably won't work anyway.

No one seems to mention the focus problem. In WinForms you have to trap the 
cell dirty change event and commit to the data source, but there is no 
equivalent I can find. Nor does the UpdateSourceTrigger have a PropertyChanged 

So I'm stuffed again.

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