Regenerating the metadata is really not something I could see being a good
thing.  Those classes are created so that you can apply attributes to
properties on your models without having to mark up the model classes
directly.  Therefore, they're designed to be hand-edited, and regenerating
them would lose any changes (hence regeneration, unless it was done
intelligently to capture the developers existing changes to them, would be
a dangerous feature).  That said, no, I don't know of any existing tools
that do this.


On 5 April 2012 09:51, David Burela <> wrote:

> This has been bugging me for years with Ria services.
> You generate the domain service and the associated metadata when you first
> create the domain service.
> Then you update the Entity Framework model....
> I keep searching online for ways to regenerate the metadata file, but all
> I find is post after post of people requesting the same feature.
> Has anyone put out a visual studio extension that lets us just right click
> *regenerate* the metadata yet?
> -David Burela
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