Here is one Environment and the changes made
to allow XML-Xerces to work.

(1) Sun/Solaris 5.8
(2) Perl 5.8.6
     compiled using 64 bit processing.
     $Config{use64bitint} eq 'define'
     $Config{use64bitall} eq 'define'
(3) Sun Forte 6.2 C && C++ Compiler.
(4) Xerces-C-2.5.0
    runConfigure -p solaris -c cc -x CC -b 64 -P /appl_dsl/local
    This is a 64 bit compile.
    Xerces-C compiled right out of the box.
    No changes were required.
(5) XML-Xerces-2.5.0-0
    a) Modify Xerces.cpp around line 826. Add this code
       #ifdef bool
         #undef bool
       #endif /* bool */
       This code is describe in post dated 2005-02-22
       with subject 'Problem building XML::Xerces v2.5.0.'
    b) change CCFLAGS in XML-Xerces-2.5.0-0/Makefile
       the original setting is:
       I added the options from the Perl compile.
       You can get the options with is Perl code:
       use Config;
       print $Config{ccflags}, "\n";
       The result is:
       CCFLAGS = -D_REENTRANT -xarch=v9 -I/usr/local/include
    c) run make with these overrides:
       make CC=CC LD=CC
       Both the compiler and linker must point to CC.
       Otherwise you get relocation error and reference symbol not found
when you run
       'make test'. 

I hope this helps.

Albert Tom

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