perhaps this may interest some of us ?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tatiana Bazzichelli <>
Date: Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 4:20 PM
Subject: <nettime> Researching BWPWAP: The Reinvention of Research as
Participatory Practice

Researching BWPWAP: The Reinvention of Research as Participatory Practice

Call for Participation for International Research Conference and PhD
Workshop to be held at Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany, 22-24
November 2012.

Organised by:

Digital Aesthetics/Participatory IT Research Centre, Aarhus University
reSource transmedial culture berlin/transmediale festival
Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University of Lüneburg

We hereby invite proposals for participation in a research workshop around
the 2013 theme of the transmediale festival, BWPWAP (Back When Pluto Was A
Planet). We are addressing researchers with diverse backgrounds interested
in opening up some of the paradoxes of contemporary digital art and
culture. Although the workshop is primarily aimed at international PhD
researchers, it is also open to researchers who are pursuing research
without institutional support.

The workshop aims at researching concepts and phenomena that, in the light
of the festival's thematic framework, have become destabilised by network
culture and digital media (see below). Thematically, these may include –
but are not restricted to:

/ techno-cultural displacement and invention
/ fragility of networks
/ disruptive potential of artistic practice
/ paradoxes of digital art and culture
/ organisation after networks
/ participatory research practices
/ research beyond academia
/ network epistemologies
/ networks after social networks


In referring to the cancellation of Pluto's planetary status in 2006,
BWPWAP (Back When Pluto Was a Planet), the 2013 theme of the transmediale
festival, interrogates techno-cultural processes of displacement and
invention, asking for artistic and speculative responses to new cultural
imaginaries. Back When Pluto Was a Planet, life might have seemed more
innocent, yet whole cultural imaginaries, like planetary systems, may
change overnight, and technical and cultural paradigms along with them. The
festival will take this fragility of culture as a point of departure for
exploring the disruptive potential of technological development and
artistic practice. Can we act like BWPWAP and at same time redefine present
and future cultural practices, inventing networks out of place and out of

This conference and workshop, which precedes transmediale, asks how BWPWAP
can be interpreted in the context of research culture that has been
significantly destabilised by network culture and digital media. If Pluto
didn't exactly fall prey to an epistemological break or a scientific
revolution, but rather to a mundane administrative procedure – a
redefinition of what constitutes a planet and the invention of the category
"dwarf planet" – then what does this say about contemporary research
culture? Is research today occupied more with mundane acts of
recategorisation, and – after Bologna – with what Lyotard already called
performativity? Or does it still engage the kind of marvel and wonder that
so many ascribe to Pluto and that BWPWAP captures as a cultural term? If
BWPWAP captures a time when transmedial culture was researched outside
academia, how does network culture and digital media then contribute to and
transform research culture, forcing it out of its closet and, if not into
the solar system, then at least beyond the academy?

BWPWAP, network culture was already becoming subsumed by social media and
more recently mobile media. Networking and other strategies within software
and net culture have become enmeshed with everyday life and big business.
Research culture was visited by a similar fate: conferences reduced to
networking events to foster cultural capital, and scholarly communications
reduced to impact factors measured by grant givers. In light of this, what
complicity can be constructed, with or without Pluto, between network and
research cultures? Can digital culture save research from itself, and vice
versa? What kinds of technological and artistic practices are suggested by
BWPWAP and might produce rhizomatic effects for research and digital


In the context of developing a platform for knowledge exchange, and
research across the arts and sciences, transmediale and research groups at
Aarhus and Leuphana universities have established a partnership to foster
new forms of collaborative research, peer-review, publication and
performative knowledge dissemination. The international research conference
and PhD workshop takes transmediale's thematic framework as a broad
starting point, and is a chance for researchers to share ideas and
development processes across and beyond the time/space of academic research
paradigms. The challenge is to salvage what there is to be salvaged from
network culture and digital media for research, and vice versa.

The workshop forms part of a series of events initiated by reSource
transmedial culture berlin, which is an initiative of transmediale based on
continuous network knowledge development and community involvement around
the festival throughout the year. The event itself will be an
interdisciplinary conference and workshop where PhD students and other
participants can engage with members of the three participating
institutions and invited international guests. One aspect of the conference
will be a writing workshop wherein new digital writing practices and forms
of collaborative writing will be explored. Ahead of the conference, invited
participants will be asked to take part in an online discussion and
collaboration process as an experiment in the peer production of knowledge.
After the conference, participants will be involved in the production of a
peer-reviewed research newspaper – itself an experiment in new forms of
scholarly publication, and to be presented and distributed at transmediale

The event follows on from similar events organised in 2012 and 2011 at
Universität der Künste (Berlin), and Aarhus University, respectively. For
the publication resulting from the last events, visit the following.**worldofthenewspaper.pdf<>**publicinterfaces<>


We invite proposals that take diverse perspectives to open up some of the
paradoxes of contemporary thinking and anachronisms of practices that
employ communications technologies. In the selection of participants, we
are looking to assemble a diversity of research traditions and disciplines
represented, including 'practice-based research'. The aim is to develop
participants' individual research projects as well as foster networking.
PhD students can be awarded 5 ECTS for their participation. Although the
workshop is primarily aimed at international PhD researchers, it is also
open to researchers who are pursuing research without institutional support.

We are seeking proposals consisting of a biography (500 characters), a
statement on current research/description of PhD project (1000 characters),
and an abstract for a short presentation (1500 characters). The deadline
for submissions is 31 August 2012.

Here you can submit your proposals.**node/18472/<>


More info:**resource <>**inkubator/digitale-medien.html<>
Partners: Hybrid Publishing Lab, Segmented Media Offerings and Post-Media
Lab as part of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg Digital Media Incubator

Tatiana Bazzichelli // curator and programme developer
reSource transmedial culture berlin //**resource<>
BWPWAP - transmediale 2013
29.01 – 03.02, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin //**transmediale <>

transmediale | festival for art and digital culture berlin
Klosterstr. 68 10179 Berlin, Germany | fon +49 30 24749 761 | fax +49 30
24749 763
Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender Volker Heller | Geschäftsführer Moritz van Dülmen

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