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From: Jonathan Latham <jrlat...@bioscienceresource.org>
Date: Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 9:16 AM
Subject: The UK’s Royal Society: a Case Study in How the Health Risks of
GMOs Have Been Systematically Misrepresented
To: bsr-project-eli...@gn.apc.org

Dear Friends and Colleagues

Published today, Monday 14th August, 2017, in* Independent Science News*

*The UK’s Royal Society: a Case Study in How the Health Risks of GMOs Have
Been Systematically Misrepresented*
by Steven Druker (Author of Altered Genes, Twisted Truth)


*Synopsis:* Eminent scientists and scientific institutions routinely claim
that genetically modified foods are safe. Through the perceived authority
of their pronouncements, most government officials and members of the media
have believed them. But when the arguments these scientists employ to
support their claims are subjected to scrutiny, it becomes clear that
important facts have invariably been misrepresented — either deliberately
or through substantial negligence.

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Jonathan Latham, PhD
Executive Director
The Bioscience Resource Project
Ithaca, NY 14850 USA

www.bioscienceresource.org <https://bioscienceresource.org/>
www.poisonpapers.org <https://www.poisonpapers.org/the-poison-papers/>

Skype: jonathanlatham2
Tel: 1-607-319-0279

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