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From: Silke Helfrich via Commoning <common...@lists.commons-institut.org>
Date: Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 4:53 AM
Subject: [commoning] CFP AAG 2018: Enacting Postcapitalist Futures &
Nurturing Life in Common
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From: Ursula Lang <lang0...@umn.edu>
Date: Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 2:08 PM
Subject: CFP AAG 2018: Enacting Postcapitalist Futures & Nurturing Life in
To: geog...@lsv.uky.edu

Call for Papers: Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers
AAG 2018 – New Orleans, April 10-14, 2018

*The Commons, Commoning and Co-becomings: Enacting Postcapitalist Futures
and Nurturing Life in Common*

Session Organizers: Ursula Lang (Rhode Island School of Design), Gustavo
Garcia (Universidad de Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras), and Neera Singh
(University of Toronto)

There has been an explosion of interest in the commons not just as a viable
model for environmental governance, but also as nurturing grounds for
postcapitalist politics. Scholars working on the commons in common-pool
resources theory in the Ostrom tradition have traditionally focused on the
commons as shared natural resources, highlighting “rules-in-use” and
institutional arrangements. However, recent work in autonomous Marxist
tradition focuses on the shared commonwealth of humanity and the role of
the commons in nurturing postcapitalist subjectivities, alternate forms of
production and provisioning, and ways of relating and valuing life in
common (Caffentzis and Federici 2014, Linebaugh 2009, Bollier and Helfrich

Geographers have contributed and responded to growing scholarship and
praxis on the commons, where the commons and commoning are seen as
advancing other-than-capitalist community economies (Gibson-Graham, 2006);
counter hegemonic common senses (Garcia Lopez et al 2017); challenging
enclosure and accumulation by dispossession (Jeffrey et al 2012, Hodkinson
2012, Paudel 2016,); as nurturing grounds for collective subjectivity
(Singh, 2017); and as creation of new urban commons and hybrid forms of
governance  (Chatterton 2010, Baviskar and Gidwani 2011, Eizenberg 2012,
Lang 2014, Turner 2016). We are especially drawn to scholarship that views
the commons and commoning as practices for fostering postcapitalist
subjectivity and life in common.

In this session, we invite empirical and conceptual papers that examine the
role of the commons in fostering other-than-capitalist ways of being and
relating to the more-than-human world – of nurturing subjectivities of
‘being-in-common’ with the rest of the world. We seek to connect lived
practices with emerging academic attention on affective and relational
ecologies of living and being in common.

Some possible themes include:
1. The commons as nurturing grounds of subjectivity.
2. The commons as a source of sustaining life through relations of care and
3. Different conceptions of human in the Anthropocene. How do ways of being
in common and relating to the commons recognize or enable different ways of
being human to emerge and flourish? (e.g. the Anthropo-not-seen, la Cadena)
4. What work do commons do – in the world, on commoners, on capacities for
5. Rhythms and temporalities of commons. How might new commons emerge, and
how are commons sustained?
6. Struggles against enclosure of the commons.
7. What are the limits of the commons?
8. Value and commoning. How does engagement with the practices of commoning
lead to different ways of conceptualizing value?

Please send abstracts of not more than 250 words by October 10, to Ursula
Lang (ursula.a.l...@gmail.com), Neera Singh (neera.si...@gmail.com), and
Gustavo Garcia Lopez (garcial.gust...@gmail.com). We will let participants
know by October 15, and you will need to submit an AAG pin to us by October

Baviskar and Gidwani (2011) Urban Commons. Economic and Political Weekly
Bollier and Helfrich (2014) Patterns of Commoning. The Commons Strategies
Chatterton (2010) Seeking the urban common: Furthering the debate on
spatial justice. City 14: 6, 625-628
Eizenberg (2012) Actually existing commons: Three moments of space of
community gardens in New York City. Antipode 44(3):764-782
Caffentzis & Federici (2014) Commons against and beyond capitalism.
Community Development Journal, 49(suppl 1), i92-i105.
García López, Velicu, & D’Alisa (2017) Performing Counter-Hegemonic
Common(s) Senses: Rearticulating Democracy, Community and Forests in Puerto
Rico. Capitalism Nature Socialism, 1-20.
Gibson-Graham JK (2006) A Postcapitalist Politics. Univ of MN Press.
Jeffrey, McFarlane, Vasudevan (2012) Rethinking Enclosure: Space,
Subjectivity and the Commons. Antipode 44(4):1247-1267
Lang (2014) The common life of yards. Urban Geography 35(6):852-869
Linebaugh (2009) The Magna Carta Manifesto. Univ of CA Press.
Paudel (2016) Re-inventing the commons: community forestry as accumulation
without dispossession in Nepal. Journal of Peasant Studies. 43(5): 989-1009
Singh (2017) Becoming a commoner: The commons as site for affective
socio-nature encounters and co-becomings. Ephemera. (forthcoming)
Turner (2016) Political ecology III: The commons and commoning. Progress in
Human Geography. Aug 26, 2016

- - - -
Dr. Ursula Lang
Assistant Professor in Residence of Political Ecology & Design Studies
RISD - Rhode Island School of Design

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