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From: American Sustainable Business Council <repl...@asbcouncil.org>
Date: Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 3:40 AM
Subject: November Policy Update: SUSTYBIZ Recap, High Road Report, and more
To: michelsub2...@gmail.com

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[image: American Sustainable Business Council]
SUSTYBIZ17 Delivers Insights and Connections

ASBC’s 6th Annual Sustainable Business & Policy Summit gave an inside look
at how the public policy process works. On day one, federal and state
legislators, political strategists, journalists and business leaders
explored how responsible businesses can improve lawmaking on climate
change, diversity, minimum wages and the role of money in politics. This
year’s SUSTY Award presentations honored Senator Sheldon Whitehouse;
Senator Angus King; Representative Elijah Cummings; Holly Sklar, founder
and CEO of Business for a Fair Minimum Wage; Barry Cik, founder and
technical director of Naturepedic; and Jerry Taylor, president of the
Niskanen Center.

Day two led off with Senator Bernie Sanders joining us live for a discussion
of healthcare reform. Summit attendees then fanned out across the Capitol
to meet with nearly 40 legislators and staff to talk about carbon pricing,
healthcare reform, tax reform, and family medical leave. As one inspired
business owner concluded, “This Summit was full of insights and learning
opportunities to effectively advocate on issues that matter to sustainable
companies.” Thanks to all who joined this game-changing event.

* What's New High-Road How-to Report Available ASBC has released a new
report, The High-Road Workplace: Route to a Sustainable Economy. Based on
interviews with companies that offer a range of valued employee practices
and benefits, the report makes the sound business case for taking the high
road. It also shows how these practices improve the wider economy and
society, and offers specific strategies policymakers can use to spur
widespread adoption of high-road practices for a more sustainable,
resilient nation. Download the report.
Click to Tweet: Taking the High Road creates sustainable, positive and
prosperous workplaces #HighRoadWorkplace https://ctt.ec/Z3oIU+  @ASBCouncil
Take a Stand on Rushed Tax Reform The controversial Tax Cut and Jobs Act
(H.R.1), released by House Republicans on November 2, is being marked up by
the Ways and Means Committee this week. And the Senate version is expected
today. Many legislators are pushing to get this done by Christmas, but this
complicated bill deserves more review. Tell Congress you oppose pushing
through a bill that will cause big deficits, worsen inequality, and
undermine U.S. ability to invest for economic growth. Click to Tweet:
.@SpeakerRyan: Don’t rush #TaxReform. We need a bipartisan plan that grows
#jobs and the economy. https://ctt.ec/Sm788+ @asbcouncil
ASBC Faults Federal Sick Leave Requirement Bill Last week Representatives
Walters, Stefanik, and McMorris Rodgers released H.R. 4219, the Workflex in
the 21st Century Act. The bill, being pitched as a paid-leave policy, sets
a lower national standard for employers than some current state-level
standards. Tell Congress you oppose federal legislation that undermines
existing laws that call for high-road employment practices and instead only
provides camouflage for bad actors. Click to Tweet: .@RepMimiWalters
Workflex in the 21st Century Act fails to deliver on #paidleave.
#HighRoadWorkplace @ASBCouncil https://ctt.ec/blI00+
ASBC Opposes Faux Research Funding ASBC has taken a strong stance against
the Small Business Administration's Office of Advocacy in its ongoing
efforts to generate false and misleading data. The Office has again
contracted with a research team that previously provided inaccurate, widely
discredited analyses of how regulations affect small businesses. Read the
BNA Bloomberg interview
with CEO David Levine. Click to Tweet: .@AdvocacySBA is wasting tax dollars
on bogus research. Tell @sbagov to cancel the contract.
https://ctt.ec/ePzX6+ @ASBCouncil
ASBC Endorses DC Carbon Price Proposal ASBC has joined the Put a Price on
It DC Coalition which calls for setting a price on carbon in the District.
ASBC is considering the Coalition’s recent proposal to tax energy
producers, return revenues to residents and businesses and invest in new
green energy initiatives. Learn more at carbonpricedc.org
Defend the EPA You can protect the EPA budget from ruinous cuts if you act
quickly. The appropriations bill is still in the Senate’s committee, but
the 2018 budget deadline is December 8. Send a message
to your senator reaffirming that a clean environment is good for business.
Click to Tweet: Businesses and the economy depend on the work of the @EPA.
A #cleanair and #cleanwayer are good for business. #DefendtheEPA
@ASBCouncil https://ctt.ec/14Rk3+
* Special Announcement *

After eight years of service, Co-founder and Vice President for Policy and
Campaigns *Richard Eidlin* will be leaving the American Sustainable
Business Council this week.

David Levine stated, “Over the past eight-plus years, Richard has made
significant, unique contributions to the emergence and growth of ASBC and
its national policy, fundraising and communications work. Richard’s
portfolio of responsibilities was extensive, as was his capacity to build
key relationships and coalitions with critical stakeholders on Capitol
Hill, the Obama White House, state legislatures, businesses and allied
organizations. His vision of, and commitment to build, a powerful national
advocacy force for sustainable businesses from all sectors and all sizes
has been important to countering the profit at all cost narrative. We thank
Richard for his many years of commitment and selfless leadership, and wish
him the very best.”

ASBC’s policy team will now be led by Chris Blackburn
<cblackb...@asbcouncil.org>, Director of Policy, who will continue to
advance the organization’s mission to create sustainable economic
development, environmental protection and regeneration, and social justice.

* Media Coverage, Blogs, and More: - The High-Road Workplace: Route to a
Sustainable Economy
- ASBC’s groundbreaking report describes what it means to be a high-road
business, why it matters, and how smart policy can help more businesses
adopt high-road practices. Download the report
- Chapman University Honors Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks
-The Greek Reporter announced that ASBC board member Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks,
president and CEO of Earth Friendly Products, was named to Chapman
University's School and College Distinguished Alumni in recognition of her
leadership and influential voice in the green movement and in corporate
social responsibility. - ASBC Denounces Sabotage of Nation's Health System
- Common Dreams quoted ASBC’s CEO David Levine opposing the latest
executive order that undermines the Affordable Care Act. Said Levine, "This
executive order will throw sand in the gears of the ACA markets.” - Our
Commitment to Environmental & Social Values
- Rebecca Rubin, CEO of ASBC member Marstel Day, wrote a letter to her
employees addressing the Charlottesville tragedy and the increased
polarization around issues of equity in our nation. *

* Member and Staff News - Beautycounter’s VP of Community Affairs &
Engagement, Lindsay Dahl, was nominated for a 2017 Excellence in Advocacy
Award for a Federal Issue Campaign by the Professional Women in Advocacy
Also nominated was Bob Bland, CEO and co-founder of Manufacture New York,
for Excellence in a Controversial Issue Campaign. - Northwest Atlantic
Marine Alliance (NAMA) attended the court sentencing of Carlos Rafael, the
"Codfather," in an effort to #ExposeConsolidation affecting our ocean and
community-based fishermen. To learn more about this case and NAMA’s fight
against corporate takeover of fisheries’ access, read the press release
or this article
in Mother Jones. - UncommonGoods was featured on CNBC
in coverage of New York State’s approach to paid family leave. By January
1, 2018, all businesses in the state of New York will have implemented one
of the nation’s most progressive paid family leave policies, very similar
to UncommonGoods’ existing eight weeks of paid leave a year. *

ASBC Welcomes New Members

   - Financial Sherpa, Inc.

   Fiduciary James Beyersdorf, principal of Financial Sherpa, has more than
   20 years’ experience as an advisor in personal, corporate and charitable
   finance. His strategic guidance and portfolio management makes innovative
   use of market instruments to design highly efficient, effective investment
   - NewGen Surgical

   NewGen Surgical helps customers deliver cost-effective, quality care
   while preserving and protecting the foundation of all health – a healthy
   environment. It reduces or eliminates single-use disposable plastic
   products in the operating room by replacing them with sustainable products
   that use less energy and non-renewable resources and reduce plastic

* Upcoming Events NERC's Fall 2017 Conference
Amherst, MA | November 13 - 14 Partner: Northeast Recycling Council (NERC)
Materials Management in a Sustainable Economy - Keynote by ASBC's David
Levine. Levine will share his expertise and perspective about the
sustainability of economic development and materials management. BALLE
Leadership Summit
Pacific Grove, CA | November 15 - 17 Partner: BALLE This event explores how
visionary leaders foster healthy, equitable local economies across North
America by creating quality jobs and pathways to equity in rural, suburban,
and urban communities. Richard Eidlin will moderate a panel on public
policy strategies. Social Venture Network 30th Anniversary Conference &
Sonoma, CA | December 7 Partner: Social Venture Network The SVN conference
facilitates peer-to-peer relationship building and creates a community
where attendees can enhance their leadership, improve their businesses, and
expand their impact. David Levine will moderate a panel on policy. *

Connect with Us

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American Sustainable Business Council 1001 G Street NW, Suite 400
East, Washington, DC 20001

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