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From: Jonathan Latham <jrlat...@bioscienceresource.org>
Date: Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 6:36 PM
Subject: The 9% Lie: Industrial Food and Climate Change
To: <bsr-project-eli...@gn.apc.org>

Dear Friends and Colleagues

Published today (Aug 8th, 2019) in *Independent Science News*.

*The 9% Lie: Industrial Food and Climate Change*
by Ronnie Cummins


*Synopsis:* As the result of a joint calculation, the USDA and the US EPA
have begun claiming that US agricultures’ contribution to the climate
crisis represents 9% of total national green house gas emissions. The size
of this number is hugely important in terms of where to search for climate
solutions. According to the author these estimates are smokescreens and the
true number is approximately 5-6 fold higher. In other words, *most* US
greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture and the food sector. This
low-balling is very convenient for the commercial interest groups that
benefit from the wasteful status quo of the US food system.

The author is director and co-founder of the Organic Consumers Association.

Please consider sharing this article.

Yours sincerely

Jonathan Latham, PhD
Executive Director
The Bioscience Resource Project,
Ithaca, NY 14850 USA


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