
we have a new report available that explores the impact of the number of 
outgoing connections
on BitTorrent overlay structure.

Whereas most BT clients today use a mix of PEX, DHT, and tracker 
information to build the overlay,
we have focused on the tracker strategy (which is equivallent to tracker 
+ DHT, as the DHT essentially returns
what the tracker returns, but in a distributed way). Indeed, not all 
clients use PEX, and it is important to understand
what the overlay looks like with a centralized overlay construction 
strategy as implemented by a tracker.

Anwar Al Hamra, Nikitas Liogkas, Arnaud Legout, Chadi Barakat.
Swarming Overlay Construction Strategies. 
In Proc. of ICCCN'2009, August 2--6, 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA.



Swarming peer-to-peer systems play an increasingly instrumental role in 
Internet content distribution. It is therefore important to better 
understand how these systems behave in practice. Recent research efforts 
have looked at various protocol parameters and have measured how they 
affect system performance and robustness. However, the importance of the 
strategy based on which peers establish connections has been largely 
overlooked. This work utilizes extensive simulations to examine the 
default overlay construction strategy in BitTorrent systems. Based on 
the results, we identify a critical parameter, the maximum allowable 
number of outgoing connections at each peer, and evaluate its impact on 
the robustness of the generated overlay. We find that there is no single 
optimal value for this parameter using the default strategy. We then 
propose an alternative strategy that allows certain new peer connection 
requests to replace existing connections. Further experiments with the 
new strategy demonstrate that it outperforms the default one for all 
considered metrics by creating an overlay more robust to churn. 
Additionally, our proposed strategy exhibits optimal behavior for a 
well-defined value of the maximum number of outgoing connections, 
thereby removing the need to set this parameter in an ad-hoc manner.

Arnaud Legout, Ph.D.

INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Planète  Phone :
2004 route des lucioles - BP 93   Fax   :
06902 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX      E-mail: arnaud.leg...@inria.fr
FRANCE                            Web   : 

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