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      (                                                          (
      )                        SESOC 2010                        )
      (                                                          (
      )                International Workshop on                 )
      (              SECurity and SOCial Networking              (
      )                                                          )
      (                  March 29 / April 2 2010                 (
      )                    Mannheim, Germany                     )
      (               (as part of IEEE PerCom 2010)              (
      )                                                          )
      (                  http://www.sesoc.org                    (
      )                                                          )

Future pervasive communication systems aim at supporting social and
collaborative communications: the evolving topologies are expected to
resemble the actual social networks of the communicating users and
information on their characteristics can be a powerful aid for any
network operation. New emerging technologies that use information on
the social characteristics of their participants raise entirely new
privacy concerns and require new reflections on security problems such
as trust establishment, cooperation enforcement or key management.

The aim of this workshop is to encompass research advances in all areas
of security, trust and privacy in pervasive communication systems,
integrating the social structure of the network as well.

Topics of Interest

- new aspects of trust
- privacy concerns
- availability and resilience
- community based secure communication
- data confidentiality, data integrity
- anonymity, pseudonymity
- key management
- secure bootstrapping
- security issues in forwarding, routing
- security aspects regarding cooperation
- new reputation systems
- new attack paradigms
- new requirements for software security
- malware

The key note: “Threats to the Social Web”, will be given by Ryan
McGeehan [1] of facebook Inc. It deals with real world threats against
the social web and highlights the perspective of the provider of one of
the largest online social networks of today.

Important Dates

Submission deadline:        October 18, 2009
Notification date:          December 21, 2010
Camera ready submission:    January 29, 2010

Submission instructions

Submitted papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for
publication. Camera-ready versions of accepted papers will be limited to
6 pages in IEEE 8.5x11 conference format, and formatted in accordance
with the IEEE Computer Society author guidelines. The link for the
templates and further guidelines for preparing and submitting the
manuscript are available on the workshop website. All papers are managed
electronically through easychair, the submission website is:
Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous and double-blind review process
handled by the Technical Program Committee. Authors' names must not
appear in the paper.

All accepted papers need to have a full registration to the PerCom
2010 Conference (There is no workshop only registration). Moreover,
no-shows of accepted papers at the workshop will result in those
papers not being included in the IEEE Digital Library.


General Chairs:
   Refik Molva          EURECOM, France
   Gene Tsudik          University of California Irvine, USA

Organizing Chairs:
   Melek Önen           EURECOM, France
   Thorsten Strufe      Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

Technical Program Committee:
   Imad Aad             Nokia, Switzerland
   Davide Balzarotti    EURECOM, France
   Erik-Oliver Blass    EURECOM, France
   Jens-Matthias Bohli  NEC Europe, Germany
   Michael Brinkmeier   TU Ilmenau, Germany
   Sonja Buchegger      Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Germany
   Levente Buttyán      BUTE, Hungary
   Claude Castelluccia  INRIA, France
   Lorenzo Cavallaro    UCSB, USA
   Ahmet Çamtepe        TU Berlin, Germany
   Mauro Conti          Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands
   Jon Crowcroft        Computer Lab Cambridge University, UK
   Marc Dacier          Symantec Europe, France
   Anwitaman Datta      NTU, Singapore
   Roberto Di Pietro    Università di Roma, La Sapenzia, Italy
   Alexander Eichhorn   Simula, Norway
   Stephen Farrell      NewBay Software, Ireland
   Artur Hecker         Telecom ParisTech, France
   Sotiris Ioannidis    FORTH, Greece
   Stefan Katzenbeisser CASED, Germany
   Albert Levi          Sabanci University, Turkey
   Mark Manulis         CASED, Germany
   Jörn Müller-Quade    Uni Karlsruhe, Germany
   Guevara Noubir       North Eastern University, USA
   Christian Rohner     Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
   Günter Schäfer       TU Ilmenau, Germany
   Dirk Westhoff        NEC Europe, Germany

[1] Bio: Ryan McGeehan is the Security Manager for Incident Response at
Facebook. He has been at Facebook since early 2007 (~40 million users),
and is responsible for research and response into threats to Facebook.
He is also involved with the Honeynet Project with research around web
application threats and honeypot development.

Thorsten Strufe                               Peer-to-Peer Networks
Technische Universität Darmstadt    http://www.p2p.tu-darmstadt.de/

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