
> this brings to my mind WebID (aka foaf+ssl)

I think WebID attacks a different problem. It assumes you have somewhere
trusted to host your public key. As i understand it, if someone hacks the
server where you publish your WebID, then he can put another public key
there, and go online pretending to be you, right? Or did I misunderstand

I want to trust no servers in my setting. That's why I think I can't use

regarding privacy exposure in FOAFs, you can apply ACLs based on inference
> rules
> about trust. So you don't have to show same doc to everybody ;)

ok cool i hadn't thought of that. still, i prefer fabric-based rather than
social-graph-based, if at all possible.

> distributed search, yeah, that's the big issue.
> with all the hype about resurrecting finger by means of http, some people
> thought that, given a grid of personal rdf stores (or even rdf-over-dht),
> and even protecting results via foafssl if you want, the goal could be
> accomplished by routing this "simple" SPARQL query:
> @prefix : <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
> SELECT ?profile WHERE { ?person :mbox "mailto:foo...@example.com"; .
>        ?profile a :PersonalProfileDocument ;
>        :primaryTopic ?person . }
> ...
> this scenario sounds to me quite close conceptually to what you propose.
> take webid fingerprint and start communicating (using your cert to
> sign/cypher/authenticate).

yes; although I don't exactly know how such a SPARQL query would be routed
by a DHT (presumably you route through effectively a DHT of email->profile
pairs?), at least the part about finding a chain of signatures looks
conceptually very close.

> > So what I came up with was to define a "fabric"-approach. We define a
> > multi-dimensional space in which all guids represent a fixed position.
> Your
> > coordinates in the fabric are determined not by you, nor by who you
> interact
> > with, but simply by the ASCII bits in your guid string. And then it's
> simple:
> > everybody sign the keys of their neighbours and vice versa to form the
> fabric.
> not sure I understood this properly. every node should sign their
> "neighbors"
> in this metric space?
> > Now to know your public key, I just walk from my position in the fabric
> to
> > yours, following the chain of neighbours that are all 'holding hands',
> and so
> > everyone's connected with everyone.
> don't get how do you traverse a path. chosing the geodesic in this
> coordinate system?

OK sorry, my description there was too simplistic. Let me try to explain it

   - each user keeps a list of neighbours.
   - You start with one user with an empty neighbour list.
   - When the second user joins, the two users become neighbours in the
   following way:
      - calculate the sha1 of each guid. Think of these sha1 hashes as
      strings of bits.
      - see the position of the first bit position in which the two strings
      are different. Say the first 3 bits are the same, and the 4th one is
      different. Then each of the users accepts the other one in
position 4 of his
      neighbour list. The "quality as neighbour 4" is the position of
the second
      bit that is different. So if position 5 is the same, but 6
isn't, then both
      now have a neighbour for position 4, of quality 6.
   - Naive implementation of neighbour-finding (only for explanation
      - Whenever a user is added, compare it one-by-one with all existing
      nodes. A neighbour is accepted for a position if the node did not have a
      neighbour yet in that position, or if the new candidate has a higher
   - traversal from a string $A to a string $B:
      - $current = $A;
      - for($i = 0; $i < length($A); $i++)
         - if $current[$i] != $B[$i]
            - $current = $neighbour[$current][$i]

the traversal will always arrive at B (you could add a break statement in
case you get there early, even). if current doesn't have a neighbour i, then
that means no guid exist whose sha1 is a candidate neighbour 1 for current.
i don't really compare a newcomer to all existing nodes, obviously, that
wouldn't scale. only to roughly one node for each bit in the hash. but i
hope it's simpler if i leave that part out.

Re. the problem, I think webID community tries to solve same problem you see
> (although semweb community has a je-ne-sais-quois that makes their
> proposals to
> be dismissed many times withouth a second thought).

correct me if i'm wrong, but as i understand it, WebID assumes you have a
hosting server somewhere that you trust not to be hacked. I don't have that
in my application. I don't want to trust the server.

> About the fabric approach, surely I didn't grasp it fully, but if the
> answer to
> last two questions is yes, I think I see a flaw :P

ok, please let me know! :)

many thanks for your help with this!

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