> Could you briefly summarize the main differences with other well-known
> event-driven simulators like PeerSim ?

Our simulator, DVN, was built to support back-porting of C
implementations of deployed protocol code into virtual nodes for the
simulator.  To do so, it exposes a  transport API in C (datagram only
for now, but streams are in the work), and supports tracking of global
variables that might have been used in the original protocol
implementation.  I think that PeerSim exposes a Java API.  DVN also
supports parallel simulations with a conservative scheduler, but it
allows worker processes to run ahead for a window that has been deemed
safe.  Those are some differences off the top of my head.  There's
more in terms of feature list and related simulators in the technical

Of course, please let us know if we've missed something or if there
are suggested improvements.  Thanks.

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