Altnet Patents...

I took the time to read one, 5,978,791 Filed October 24, 1997. " Data processing system using substantially unique identifiers to identify data items, whereby identical data items have the same identifiers "
see also,978,791.PN.&OS=PN/5,978,791&RS=PN/5,978,791

The patent shows some internal inconsistencies. It argues from a very restricted filesystem based case and extends without justification to other scenarios like databases.

"Substantially Unique Identifier"
The argument in the patent is that it is possible to provide access to data in a "context free" fashion by using the data itself, in fact ALL the data of a data item. Hash/Digest algorithms are specifically named (MD5, SHA1, etc.). We can use a three step argument to highlight the internal inconsistency of the patent:

i. real time constraints prevent one from simply increasing address space indefinitely to prevent collisions.

ii. the data itself is reduced to bits in a filesystem. In this scenario the patent works fairly well. However, the patent says that the scheme can be extended to other schemes such as databases, etc. As soon as one moves away from the simple filesystem case, however, one introduces context, as different DBs store their data differently to produce different hashes for the same data (in a context free sense).

iii. Thus it is NOT the case that the patent provides an apparatus which automatically ensures that the same data items in two different contexts have the same name. The TrueName method is very much context-bound!

Quote from the patent:
"In prior art systems for identifying data items there is no direct relationship between the data names and the data item. The same data name in two different contexts may refer to different data items, and two different data names in the same context may refer to the same data item. "

Other Loopholes:

1. P2P Systems not using DHTs are exempt.

2. Hybrid systems, like JXTA also seem to be exempt. [Anyone know if Altnet have been going after JXTA?] JXTA uses its SRDI (shared resource distributed index) to track common resources like advertisements in the network - which clearly is a kind of content based addressing. However it's easy too see that there are differences. Specifically, these are in the extensible Walker system. Walkers are context sensitive constructs which are most likely not covered by the altnet patent.

3. Hash codes based on only portions of the data.
The patent is fairly repetitive on this point.

Quote: "This invention provides, in a data processing system, a method and apparatus for identifying a data item in the system, where the identity of the data item depends on _all of the data_ in the data item and _only_ on the data in the data item." [rw: my underscore]

4. Prior Art: as Ian Clarke suggested on this list previously there is bound to be prior art. Mentioned Prior Art:

Besides that, it is a pretty throrough description of a P2P filesharing system. The authors, David A. Farber and Ronald D. Lachman, had a lot of time and patience. They should have invested it in the Wikipedia (yeah I know it didn't exist back then) or something useful.

cheers, Ron

Ronald Wertlen
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