Hi Davide,

(really behind on p2p-hackers mail)

On Tue, 2006-04-04 at 19:52 +0200, Davide "dada" Carboni wrote:
> Hi, I've prepared a slide-based course on NAT traversal.
> You can find it on http://p2p-mentor.berlios.de/
> Any comment is welcome.

The slides are quite instructive for p2p devs, thanks! Just a few minor

- The nomenclature for NATs is changing. The "cone" and "symmetric"
  terminology has been deprecated. NAT behavior is now defined in terms
  of "mapping" and "filtering", with four choices along each axis. See 
  draft-ietf-behave-nat-udp (-06.txt). This is about to become an RFC.

- ICE is a generic framework that incorporates STUN(T)/TURN to traverse
  NATs. It handles most of the complexity of stacked NATs (hairpining), 
  different types of NATs (endpoint independent filtering, address
  dependent filtering etc.) and even rendezvous/signaling (over SIP)
  See draft-ietf-mmusic-ice (-08.txt). 

  Now, if only Jonathan had chosen a more Google-friendly name than
  ICE, library implementations would easier to find. :-p


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