On Thu, Feb 28, 2002 at 04:28:01PM -0500, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> I usually hear people support stored procs by saying that they are 
> cross-language, but so is SOAP and HTTP.  So why is everyone so hot to 
> code stored procedures?

Well, here're 2 reasons that come to mind:

1. You get to impose relational integrity at the DBMS level. And that
   gives you a cheap and robust abstraction layer: example: I write a
   bunch of stored PL/SQL procedures for data manipulation in an Oracle
   d/b. Then, I use DBI to call the procs through my mod_perl app and at
   the same time the other PC-based-application-developer-jokers can
   continue to build kludgy native Oracle clients that call the same

2. True database independence is quite utopian. So, if you are stuck
   with a certain d/b, then might as well leverage all the rich set of
   tools available.


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