At Fri, 01 Mar 2002 18:10:35 -0500,
Stephen Adkins wrote:

> I would suggest that you name it something like
>    URI::Resource
> because it represents (in my understanding of it) something
> more than just a stream by which you can retrieve data
> (i.e. the "Resource" that the URI identifies).

Umm but URI's "R" means Resource, so a little verbose IMO. 

> There also is the issue of whether to make it a minimalist
> implementation or a feature-rich implementation.

As a user, I want it to be feature-rich:

  # 'w' means writing
  $handle = URI::Stream->new("file://path", 'w');      # file output
  $handle = URI::Stream->new("ftp://host/path";, 'w');  # FTP PUT
  $handle = URI::Stream->new("http://host/path";, 'w'); # WebDAV ;)
  $handle = URI::Stream->new('mailto:your@address', 'w'); # send Mail

  # fragment support
  $handle = URI::Stream->new("http://host/path#fragment";); # seeks

  # something like composite pattern
  $dir = URI::Stream->new("ftp://host/path/dir";);
  @files = $dir->children; # @files == URI::Stream array

But as a developer, I want to keep it simple and small ;)

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa 

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