
There was some confusion in the previous threads of discussion
about whether the P5EE is a "web application framework" or
"some kind of distributed systems thing".

So let me define what my vision of P5EE is (in yet another way).

I am primarily interested in building web applications.
However, when I build a web application, I desire it to have the
Attributes of an Enterprise System so that I don't find that
my application has nowhere to grow.

For me, the P5EE must pass the following three tests.

 * P5EE facilitates best practices in web application development
   in such a way that those Web Applications are excellent
   examples of Enterprise Applications, exhibiting the full range
   of Attributes of an Enterprise System.
 * The application components (data access components
   and business object/logic components) and services (Security,
   Messaging, etc.) are equally useful in other types of
   Enterprise Systems.
 * The Web Applications integrate with and interoperate with
   the other Enterprise Systems so that they may act as in
   concert as a single integrated Enterprise System.

Allow me to tie in some of the comments from the previous
threads of discussion.

support webapps first priority
   Steve Lihn

Steve Lihn thought it was a good idea to make web applications
the first priority.  I agree with this wholeheartedly.
This is what I was doing because it is what I most need.

Start with and solve a problem.
Do the simplest thing that could possibly work.
Don't implement anything you don't need today.

Rob encouraged us all not to get too Astronautically Architectural,
but to focus on solving real problems.
I agree with wholeheartedly.

This is in fact what I have been doing.
I have not always shared all of the details because
they are confidential details with my clients for whom I am
developing systems using P5EEx::Blue.

designed from the perspective of web development
   Matt Sergeant
   Dave Rolsky

Matt and Dave felt the framework was too biased toward web
applications. (This criticism puzzled me extensively.)
I had in fact gone out of my way to envision many possible forms
of applications, operated from many possible user interfaces,
backed by many possible forms of data storage.  I am guessing 
that this feedback was based on the fact that I have built out
the classes for the web application user interface more than
other user interfaces.

This is as it should be. It will take someone interested keenly
in other user interfaces or application contexts before those are
fleshed out.  However, the groundwork has been laid, and the
P5EEx::Blue is hardly restricted to web applications.
In fact, I am currently working on some command line programs
and some forking-daemon programs which use P5EEx::Blue.

I acknowledge that the general nature of P5EEx::Blue's architecture
will not be proven until more of these application contexts and
user interfaces have in fact been implemented and the kinks worked
out.  As a result, certain methods sometimes carelessly got placed
into a class when it should have been in a more specialized subclass.

P5EE seems to be going after distributed systems like J2EE.
   Rob Nagler

When I asked why bOP should not be considered as a candidate for
P5EE, Rob seemed to think that P5EE was somehow not targeted
at the web application developer.

This is why I am seeking to clarify "What we are trying to do here".
This is also why I see OpenInteract, bOP, and the Extropia Toolkit
as viable candidates to at least be considered for the starting 
code base for P5EE.

P5EEx::Blue is a prototype (albeit one that is in production in 
a couple of places, using subsets of its envisioned functionality).
I have learned enough from doing it that I can weave its good 
qualities into a new code base if necessary.

Perhaps these three other code bases are not architected
perfectly to fulfill all of the Attributes of an Enterprise System.
Fine. I simply wish to consider all options before we commit to 
a starting code base.

As always, all feedback is welcomed.


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