At Thu, 29 Aug 2002 20:26:11 -0600,
Rob Nagler wrote:

> There is no "right".  Please name one "right" module in CPAN.
> However, CPAN is being used for enterprise class applications all over
> the world.  CPAN modules are "good enough" according to one's
> definitions of "good" and "enough".  Where it isn't, people invent
> something new and possibly share it.

In case of Java, there're many un-cerified-by-Sun projects on
Jakarta. Some of them have contrary policies to each other, so
developers can choose between them with their own purposes.

Here's a very subjective quick comparisons:

  --------- Java -----------  ------------- Perl ---------------
  JSP Taglibs / Velocity      TT, Mason, HTML::Template ...
  Struts / Turbine            OpenFrame, OpenInteract, PageKit ...
  JDO / ResultSet / EJB       Class::DBI, Tangram, Alzabo ...
  Cactus / MockObject         Test::More, Test::Class ...
  Cocoon                      AxKit
  AXIS                        SOAP::Lite
  Log4J                       Log::Dispatch, Log::Log4perl ...

TTMWTDOI (There're Too Many Ways To Do It = CPAN) is considered a
little harmfull, but it doesn't mean TSBOGWTDI (There Should Be One
Great Way To Do It - P5EE).

In addition, I don't feel strong desiration about high-level layers on
top of those components, which I can find in P5EEx::Blue.

Well, what I really want now is Jakarta in Perl (how do I name it?),
which has many certificated (by us) sub-projects inside. Some of which
can have contrary staretegies like Jakrta's ones. And it can include
Stephen's great work on P5EEx::Blue.

Quickstart of such sub-projects can be extracted from:

Then, there should be P5EE Blueprint, which illustrates and promotes
"How to develop enterprise systems in Perl using P5EE sub-projects".

> I didn't put bOP up as a candidate for P5EE, because I don't want to
> spend time satisfying other people's desires.

This pretty muchly applies to our case ;) Whilest you know some parts
of our framework have been extracted as a single module and put onto
CPAN (Class::Trigger, Apache::Singleton, Class::DBI::Pager ...).

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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