At 08:02 AM 11/28/2001 +0100, Gerald Richter wrote:
>There are a lot of good thought in it, but I would prefer to not put pod
>directly into the module but create it out of the special comments, for
>reasons I have outlined in my other mail.

Oops. My last post (about " * tag") indicates that I hadn't remembered 
this element of the proposal.  It seems that you are proposing

  * do not put POD inline, rather use special Perl comments
  * generate POD at make time from special Perl comments (and perhaps XML,

>I really like to get agreement before I start coding. My time as very
>limited (I guess this is the same for most or all on the list) and I don't
>like to waste to much time implementing something to throw it away
>afterwards. (Of course you always have to throw away parts and redo them)

If you want agreement on an implementation, you need agreement on requirements
and design, and you need it in a document.  The fluid form of e-mails
back and forth is not something that will produce agreement.

The following people have commented significantly on this thread (and the
previous one).

  Gerald Richter
  Stas Bekman    (docset)
  Stephen Adkins (perldocs)
  Matt Sergeant
  Paul Kulchenko
  James Tillman  (modinfo)

If you want "agreement", put your ideas in a doc on the web, post the URL
to the list, and then our e-mails could be focused on helping you improve
the doc.

I would love to be able to say "if you build what you wrote up in the spec,
I will definitely use it", but without a doc, I can't do that.


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