Terrence Brannon wrote:
> I was staring at the docs for XML::Simple this morning:
>         http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/CPAN/data/XML-Simple/Simple.html
> and began to think:
>         "I am going to regularize the configuration for all my CPAN modules.
>         They are all going use a single, standard configuration mechanism
>         instead of me coming up with ways to create Perl hashes and store
>         them on the disk of the person using my modules."
> So, then it comes down to whether to use something like XML::Simple or
> AppConfig (not be confused with App::Config by the same author):
>         http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/CPAN/data/AppConfig/AppConfig.html
> And what do you people think about this?

I found that AppConfig works great for simple data structures, but I
needed a system that supports complex data structures and XML::Simple
does that very effectively and gives me more choices on how I can deal
with my configuration data.

I had been using Storable alone for my configuration information, but
that was limiting how I could edit the information.  With XML::Simple I
can store the data in XML and edit with a text editor if needed and then
"reread" the configuration data into a Storable structure and not alter
my program.  There are also more programs that can/could process the XML
stored configuration that are not Perl based if the need should arise
and *could* provide for better reuse in an Enterprise setting.

Aaron Johnson

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