At 10:45 PM 2/24/2002 -0100, Søren Alain Mortensen wrote:
>I've been checking out some of the P5EE-materials and I think that it sounds 
>like a great project.
>The reason that I'm looking into it is that I'm managing a report on the 
>architechture of eGovernment systems, which will go into J2EE, .Net and
>so why not P5EE if it will be mature within a reasonable time, say a year or 
>So what I'm really wondering is, when do you expect to have something
>to the J2EE ready (docomentationwise or as an actual package) - ie. what is 
>your timeframe?
>Søren A. Mortensen
>eGovernment Coordinator
>Danish State Information Services


Your interest in P5EE is encouraging.
However, I am sure you knew the answer to your question before you asked.

 * There is no way to tell when a "mature" P5EE framework will exist.

The "Project Status" page at

indicates that P5EEx::Blue should *begin* to be useful in March 2002.
(No guarantee of completeness, maturity, fitness for use in any particular
purpose, etc.)

After that, discussion will pick up about the key design concepts
embodied in it.  The pace of acceptance of this particular prototype
is unknown and the pace of development is highly dependent upon

  * my own availability, inclination, and the needs of my projects
  * other people's interest in contributing

I would recommend for your report that you emphasize Apache/mod_perl
as an excellent web application container with a variety of 
mature and maturing web application development frameworks in 

and a variety of excellent system-building tools available on CPAN

You might mention P5EE as holding some promise, but my judgment is
that (at the current stage of maturity) it would be inappropriate
to mention it prominently in a report such as you seem to be


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