At Wed, 27 Feb 2002 23:12:20 -0500,
Stephen Adkins wrote:

> Your question seems to suggest that there should be a class
> (perhaps P5EEx::Blue::UniversalResource) which has the
> properties that you suggest. (On the other hand, it should
> almost certainly be developed outside the P5EE namespace
> because it has general value.)
> It might have a usage as follows.
>    use UniversalResource;
>    $uri = "";;
>    $ur = UniversalResource->new($uri);
>    $content_type = $ur->content_type();
>    $content = $ur->content();  # return the binary data
>    $handle = $ur->handle();    # return an IO::Handle to read the data
>    $uri2 = "";;
>    $ur2 = UniversalResource->new($uri2);
>    $img = $ur->content_as_object(); # return a Perl class often used
>                                # to operate on such data (such as "GD")
> Is this what you are getting at?


  UniversalResource->new("http://hostname/path/";); # HTTP
  UniversalResource->new("file://path/to/file");   # FileHandle
  UniversalResource->new("data:image/png;...");    # raw data (see URI::data)
  UniversalResource->new("ftp://user:pass@hostname/path";); # FTP

Then we can handle these resource transparently with single common

> I intend that all Entity Widgets will be identifiable by URL's so that
> they can be accessed from anywhere within the network (by reference or
> by value).

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