On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Richard Dice wrote:

>  >> Have you taken a look at http://www.smartworker.org/ ?
>  >
>  > that site has no whitepapers or modues to download.
>  >
>  > I checked gozer's author directory:
>  >
>  >     http://search.cpan.org/search?mode=author&query=gozer
>  >
>  > and saw no web kit there either.
> Hmm.
> I'm not sure what the state of maintenance (or even availability) of the
> SmartWorker kit is these days.  Gozer and Bbeausej have both has much more
> recent contact with it than I have.  (Bb especially)
> There was once an tarball of Smartworker on CPAN, though I forgot who was
> its maintainer (probably either Gozer or Scott Wilson).  But the CPAN
> search I did just now yielded nothing.

It's in the SMARTWORKER author directory if I remember correctly. Hmm, it
seems to have dropped off CPAN. Not unusual when a module isn't updated.

I had a long conversation with Gozer about SW. Basically we discussed ways
you could improve it to use XML (well, duh!), and to be more MVC in
nature. Unfortunately neither of us went anywhere with it, but Gozer said
he intended to do a complete rewrite at some point.

<!-- Matt -->
<:->Get a smart net</:->

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