At 06:06 PM 3/26/2002 -0500, Lihn, Steve wrote:
>I installed the P5EE Blue and point my cgi-bin directory to
>/usr/local/cgi-bin/P5EEx-Blue/ successfully.
>But I could not figure out how to run the demo report program as 
>you have on the internet. It would be nice at least  get
>something working.
>Please help.
>  Steve Lihn
>  FIS Database Support, Merck & Co., Inc.
>  Tel: (908) 423 - 4441


I have been writing up the beginnings of an installation guide.

So I appreciate you relating your experiences and working through
things to get it working.
(I spent some time over the last 4 days installing software on my
Windows XP laptop in order to get P5EE running there.)

I installed ActiveState's Perl 5.6.1 and Apache 1.3.24 (binary 
distribution for Win32).  The default cgi-bin directory ends up

   C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\cgi-bin

For now, try copying your /usr/local/cgi-bin/P5EEx-Blue directory to
/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/cgi-bin/P5EEx-Blue.
Also, copy your /usr/local/htdocs/P5EEx-Blue directory to
/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/P5EEx-Blue.
This will make the P5EE CGI programs and images visible to Apache.
(We need to figure out a more automated and standardized way
to do all of this.)

Then you need to edit the "demo_report.conf" file in this directory.
The default (from CVS) is

  # $Id: demo_report.conf,v 1.3 2002/03/22 23:10:13 spadkins Exp $


  perlinc       = /usr/ov/acoc/dev/src/P5EEx-Blue,
  debugmode     = record
  showsession   = 1
  gzip          = 1
  configFile    =
  #sessionClass  = P5EEx::Blue::Session::Cookie
  defaultWname  = app
  scriptUrlDir  = /cgi-bin/pub/p5ee
  scriptDir     = /usr/ov/acoc/dev/p5ee/P5EEx/Blue/cgi-bin
  htmlUrlDir    = /pub/p5ee/software/htdocs
  htmlDir       = /usr/ov/acoc/dev/p5ee/P5EEx/Blue/htdocs
  ttTemplateDir = /usr/ov/acoc/dev/p5ee/P5EEx/Blue/template/ttdemo

Since you used a $PREFIX of "/usr/local", you should modify this to something
like the following.

  # $Id: demo_report.conf,v 1.3 2002/03/22 23:10:13 spadkins Exp $


  perlinc       = /usr/local/lib/perl5, /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1
  debugmode     = record
  showsession   = 1
  gzip          = 1
  configFile    =
  #sessionClass  = P5EEx::Blue::Session::Cookie
  defaultWname  = app
  scriptUrlDir  = /cgi-bin/P5EEx-Blue
  scriptDir     = /Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/cgi-bin/P5EEx-Blue
  htmlUrlDir    = /P5EEx-Blue
  htmlDir       = /Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/P5EEx-Blue
  ttTemplateDir = /Program Files/Apache

The important points are to set 
  * "perlinc" to point to any non-default places where Perl modules are stored
  * scriptDir to be the directory where the P5EE CGI scripts are
  * scriptUrlDir to be the URL path to those scripts
  * htmlDir to be the directory where the P5EE images/style-sheets/docs are
  * htmlUrlDir to be the URL path to those images/style-sheets/docs

You should then be able to get the demo to run with the following URL.


Let me know how this goes.
If it fails, let me know what error you are seeing in the Apache error log.

  /Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/logs/error.log


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