
I just checked in modifications which allow the demo application
to edit the data in a table rather than simply read it.


Furthermore, in order to assist people with installing the software
and getting an environment up and running, I have *begun* an
installation guide.


Steve Lihn gave helpful comments when he installed the software
a little while ago.  If anyone who installs the software would like
to write up an "installation story" I would be happy to put it up
on the P5EE site.  It might help others who encounter your 
particular situation.

An "installation story" is not a complete guide or a manual on how
others should do it.  It simply documents your own configuration,
challenges, and solutions with installing the software.

  * I have such-and-such a configuration
  * first I did this, then this, then this
  * encountered my first problem, did this to overcome it
  * then did this, that, and the other thing
  * got stuck here, tried this, found that that worked
  * then voila! the demo runs!

As always, if anyone wants to get involved, I have more than
enough ways that people can contribute at every skill level.


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