On Thursday, Nov 21, 2002, at 02:51 Europe/London, Rob Nagler wrote:

Probably the Apache server. Once broken through the Apache server, the
cracker would have to figure out that it is indeed a POE server on the
other end, and then to figure out an exploit by just trying as many
things as they can. ie they'd have to do a lot of extra work rather than
utilizing a public knowledge exploit someone else discovered.
All public knowledge exploits of Apache are fixed within days if not
hours.  It's the private ones I worry about.  There have to be more
of these in POE than Apache.  The more eyes, the fewer the defects.
As someone who has worked on POE, and has a *great* deal of respect for Rocco, I would really like to see that backed up. I haven't seen any exploits in POE during my 2 years of using it, neither private nor public. Got any example exploits, or any CVS changes that fixed an exploit? (that's all public data)


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