On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 10:33 PM, Nikola Ciprich
<extmaill...@linuxbox.cz> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I was able to enable valgrind on our production cluster today,
> but unfortunately only on the secondary node, I'll be allowed to enable
> it on primary node hopefully during next weekend.
> Unfortunately it seems that valgrind probably won't be of much help here.
> I've got some output from it, but it's only few warnings and it seems
> that growing memory consumption is not really caused by leak, but (maybe)
> only by some growing memory structure. I'm doing one not very nice thing
> in my cluster which might be the culprit:
> I'm monitoring some service by a cron script and periodically changing
> related resource score by the following command:
> cibadmin -U -o constraints -X "
>        <rsc_location id="divacard0-master-loc" rsc="ms-divacard0">
>           <rule id="divacard0-master-rule-${host}" score="${score}" 
> role="Master">
>              <expression id="divacard0-master-exp-${host}" attribute="#uname" 
> operation="eq" value="${host}"/>
>           </rule>
>        </rsc_location>
> Is it possible that this could be causing cib growing memory consumption?

Anything is possible, but it would be unlikely.
There's nothing special about that command that would make only it leak.

> Anyways, I'm attaching valgrind output for cib process:
> ==14779== My PID = 14779, parent PID = 14766.  Prog and args are:
> ==14779==    /usr/lib64/heartbeat/cib
> ==14779==

> Can this help?

Not really. Sorry :(

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